Who’s cooking?
Hi! I’m Ann-Sofi, and I’m on a quest for health, happiness and fulfillment – for me, and for you. I want to live in a world where everyone feel free to find and pursue their true interests and passions – even if it collides with their self-image based on family history, age, gender or whatever limiting beliefs that get in our way.
I believe that in order to heal and thrive we have to learn how to listen to that wise inner voice of ours that is our true heart speaking – and we have to learn how to distinguish and handle all those OTHER voices in our heads that belongs to social expectations, fear and shame.
I also believe that every person is creative, that creativity is one of our basic needs, and that the idea that creating, whether this means painting, writing, singing, dancing our building our own business, only is something for a chosen few, or only is worth spending time on if it pays the rent, is one of the most common sources for feeling unfulfillment in life.
But I have discovered, that for our minds to work well, and be able to bring us to the lives we dream about, we have to feed our brains and bodies with the right stuff – this means, it matters what we THINK, but it also means that it matters what we EAT and (sorry, but it’s true…) how much we move.
In the Jam Kitchen I want to bring it all together – your many interests, your creativity, your relationships, your work, but also your health – in short, all the pieces that need to be in place for you to live a truly fulfilling life.
This is not an easy task, I know from hard experience. I started this journey while recovering from a major burn-out some 15 years ago. I’m still learning everyday. But what I see more and more clarly is this:
To get it all together, we need to let go of some (A LOT) of our perfectionism and many of our ideas about how things “should” be done. We often need to stop trying to play by the strict rules of the “experts” and get a whole lot better at improvising and jamming 🙂
I’m especially good at helping you if you have one of the following problems:
a) You feel that you have “too many interests”. You either keep jumping from one thing to the other, or you get so confused that you cannot choose, meaning you often end feeling torned and shattered, or totally frustrated since you often do nothing at all instead. This means you’re a scanner/multipotential, and you might need a very special life design to get things working.
b) You have NO IDEA what you really would like to do. You just have that nagging feeling that something is missing in your life, and you have no idea where to start looking. No worries, we can work it out 🙂
What you also might want to know:

I am a landscape architect/café manager/recipe creator/web designer/& quite a few things more (aka scanner/multipotential) turned life coach. I’ve studied for the amazing Barbara Sher, and my work is mostly built on her teaching.
Recently I’ve also added Transformational coaching to my work. Our subcounscious can be a mighty opponent when we want to make changes. With the amazingly powerful techniques I’ve learned (a mix of visualization and hypnosis – not scary, I promise! ) I can help you de-program limiting beliefs and instead re-program your mind for success, when it comes to reaching your goals.
I also have a huge interest in holistic and functional medicine, and in the work with my clients I sometimes apply some of the things I’ve learned from Dr. Lissa Rankin (author of Mind over medicine) and Dr. Datis Kharrazian (author of Why isn’t my brain working) among others.
I grew up in a small isolated village in the north of Sweden but lived most of my adult life in the city of Malmö and its surroundings in the very south of my home country. Since 2012 I live in Frankfurt in Germany with my husband and our two small children who are 3 and 5. I also have one grown-up daughter. Some of my favorite things include drinking tea, spending time in the garden (sometimes I also weed, but mostly I just enjoy the sun, watch the squirrels or play with the kids) and playing the piano while trying to sing at the same time (quite a challenge for someone with my level of simultaneous capacity 😉 ). Oh, and hugging my darlings, of course 🙂
Still want to know more?
Read the full story about how I came to be a Barbara Sher coach.
Learn the “Hard facts” about me, like, you know, my age and education and such stuff
Or maybe you’d like to read about how I can support you?