“Hard facts” about Ann-Sofi Eriksson

I´ve been on this planet for more than 40 years, so I´m not going to bore you with all the details, but here´s some random facts:

  • I grew up in a really small place in the north of Sweden – less than 2000 inhabitants, mainly forests around it and more that 50 km to next, equally small, place. The closest city (size around 40.000 people) where 200 km away.


  • I can cook a delicious meal without having a recipe, from almost anything I happen to find in the fridge.


  • My name (Ann-Sofi) means good  (Anna) and wise (Sofia). It do feels like a lot to live up to, but I do my best 😉


  • I´m a Barbara Sher life coach, but I also have a 5-year university eduction as landscape architect, and my main focus in highschool was natural science.


  • I´m a scanner/multipotential, and have been for all my life, even if I was well over 30 before I found a name for what I “had”


  • I´m an introvert, and even though I love meaningful conversation, I need to spend A LOT of time alone, thinking and creating in my own pace, to stay healthy.


  • I´ve had something like 20 different jobs, almost all within a new field. Chronologically, the list looks like this: Forestry (planting trees ), geriatric care, cleaner, working in kindergarten,  Park worker/gardener, Landscape design consultant, County administrator dealing with gravel pits etc., Landscape architect for a city park management, Teacher substitute, Telemarketer, Second hand clothes store clerk, Fair trade Café manager and caterer, recipe creator, informant & utility-man for Organic veggie box deliverer, web designer, Life Coach 🙂


  • As a child I was very shy – but loved acting and would perform without a trace of fear


  • I have 3 children. The oldest is 20, the youngest 1 year. The first two where due for the same date, just 17 years in between 🙂


  • When I was in school, I choose to study French since I thought German was such an ugly language. Later I went on to learn Italian, since I liked italian guys… 10 years ago I met the love of my life – a german… Today I live in Frankfurt in Germany, and, yes, I have learned to speak German. (I actually find it quite beautiful these days)


  • some things I´ve learned after 30: Play the saxophone, play the piano by ear, horse back riding, web design,to sing.


  • some things I did after 40: Move to a new country and learn a new language, have two children, start exercising, train to be a life coach, start my own business
  • some things I enjoy to do: cuddle with my children, play instruments and sing, gardening, outdoor activities like hiking and camping, throw a BIG party, cook with friends, swim in a lake, read a good novel, make a fire, drink a well made cappuccino, learn more about whatever I´m into at the moment (LOVE google & wikipedia 🙂 ) do something creative (at the moment I´m mostly into writing, photography and graphic design, in other periods it was drawing, pottery, aquarelle painting, dancing, writing poetry, garden design, songwriting…)