One-to-one coaching

I´m Ann-Sofi Eriksson, a Barbara Sher Life Coach and also a Transformational coach. I help you bring all your interests together to create a healthy, fulfilling life on your own terms. Lifestyle design for Scanners, invent your own job, umbrella careers & self employment are some of my areas of expertise – and how to deal with all that fear and perfectionism that usually messes it all up. I offer coaching in English, Swedish & German via Video call (Facetime, Messenger, Zoom or What’s App) and telephone. (to learn more about me, go here)
Do you recognize one of the following issues?
a) You feel that you have “too many interests”. You either keep jumping from one thing to the other, or you get so confused that you cannot choose, meaning you often end up feeling torned and shattered, or totally frustrated since you often do nothing at all instead. Or you simply feel overwhelmed and sad, thinking life is too short for you to do even half of all the things you want to do. This means you’re a scanner/multipotential, and you might need a very special life design to get things working.
b) You have NO IDEA what you really would like to do. You just have that nagging feeling that something is missing in your life, and you have no idea where to start looking. No worries, we can work it out 🙂
c) You know exactly what you would like to do – the problem is, you just don’t do it. Instead of writing that book, or start playing piano again, or building a website for your home business, you procastinate. Something is stopping you, and you don’t know how to get going.
So how can I help?
As a Barbara Sher coach I specialize in three things:
- To find your vision: I help you find out what you REALLY want, even when it feels like you have no idea yourself
- I create Lifestyle designs for scanners: I help you combine many different interests into a manageable, happy and fullfilling life (If you’re a scanner/multipod you know this isn’t always easy!)
- To help you overcome resistance, and get into action. Resistance is what’s keeping us stuck when we know what we want but just won’t do it. It doesn’t have to be this way 🙂 With gentle steps and powerful exercises I help you understand what’s stopping you and most importantly I help you to actually get moving, so you finally can start living that life you’re dreaming about!
I know the beautiful and highly effective tools from Barbara Sher backwards and forwards, from my coach training of course, and from the work with my clients, but also from using her books for my own needs for many years before I became a coach .
I`ve also recently learned some extremely powerful techniques to help you reprogram your subconscious to make sure you’re not uncounsciously stopping yourself from reaching your goals. This Transformational coaching can literally transform you to the confident, focused person you wish to be.
I am a scanner myself and I also used to be a very fearful person. If someone knows what it’s like to be afraid of going for your dreams, that’s me. But I also have discovered how deeply satisfying it is when we can get moving, and when that fear that used to hold us back gradually looses it’s power, and this I want for you too!
If you by any chance live in the Frankfurt area, we can meet live in my kitchen if you want to – but normally I coach my clients via Video call or telephone. This is great by many reasons – you don’t have to worry about going someplace, we can meet on times that fits you, and you can still be in your pyjamas if you feel like it 🙂
Let’s find out your needs and goals and how I best can help you!
Just fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Below you find some of the packages I offer, but if none of them seems to fit your needs, no worries – we can tailor make one for you during the free call!
Lifestyle design for scanners:
“Being a scanner, without having the right tools, is like trying to fly a jet plane without first learning how” (Barbara Sher)
You can do everything you want – just not at the same time 🙂 During our work together I help you find out what kind of scanner you are, and which lifestyle design is right for you, so you can enjoy your many interests without feeling overwhelmed or unfocused!
Do you have a nagging feeling that something is missing in your life, but you can’t put your finger on what it is? During a 60 minutes Skype/telephone session, I’ll guide you through a series of powerful questions and exercises that will help you find out where you want to go, and I’ll also provide you with a plan for how you can make it happen.
Bring me to my goal (package)
You know what you would like to change or achieve, but not how to make it happen. I’m here to help you figure out the hows & whens, to make sure you have the information you need and hold your hand on the way 🙂
Get unstuck-session
(Brainstorming session on a topic of your choice)
Sometimes we just need the input from someone who gets it!
I usually meet my coaching clients between 10am and 3pm Central European Time. (click HERE to see what that means for you if you’re in another time zone)
If this doesn’t fit well with your time (if you’re in the US, for example, this means night or very early morning hours) just let me know, and we’ll find another solution. Afternoon or evening hours here means morning- or lunchtime over the Atlantic, so that’s usually a good solution.
Beautiful! Just enter your info in the form above and hit SEND – and I come back to you as soon as possible to set up your FREE consultation call!
Looking forward to connect with you 🙂 /